Pickering Jeffery Fiji shares a lived and recent experience of loss and damage in Fiji
Pickering Jeffery Fiji shares a lived and recent experience of loss and damage in Fiji
Lawaka Viasi a resident of Fiji shares on the loss and damage in Fiji as a result of extreme weather events
Tiim Paul Edward's pieces highlights the threat of tradition and cultural losses as a result of climate change in Fiji
Our world suffers daily from different situations and circumstances that have come about due to human actions. One of which is this global phenomenon we know as climate change. This is a story about how my land is being affected by climate change. I come from Rewa, the smallest province in the Fiji Islands. Rewa […]
The agricultural sector is particularly affected by climate change. It is important to find solutions to climate-related challenges. The challenges are many: desertification, land degradation, drought, floods, and water scarcity. All countries in the world are practically exposed to these climate hazards. Togo is no exception. The situation in the south of Togo in Lomé […]
Mohamed Jalloh shared some experiences of loss and damage in his community and calls on the global community to take actions to address loss and damage.
Birahim Papa NIANG story on loss and damage experience by his family highlights how the definition and experience of loss and damage differs from one context to another.
When the warm, moist air over the ocean rises, it creates a lower air pressure below, which forces the surrounding air to follow. Eventually, this cycle takes the form of 'A Tropical Storm'. When this storm reaches a windspeed of more than 100km/h, it officially becomes a hurricane or cyclone. Cyclones are of different types […]
Juliet had never heard her mother curse before. Such obscenities were usually restricted around her 8-year-old ears. “Shit man, Andrea! What you mean the line is out the door?” Juliet’s teenage sister Andrea had embarked on the journey to the supermarket earlier that morning to stock up on canned and dry foods and bottled water […]
Flooding is the covering by water to an extent of submerging land and properties that is usually considered dry. Weather/climate patterns have a strong influence on when and where floods occur. The land management practices in the upper catchments may also contribute to the enhancement of surface water run-off and flooding and an unplanned human […]
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