Written Stories

October 25, 2022
My Climate story is intertwined with my identities

My Climate Story begins with my ancestors crossing the Kala Pani (Black waters) Atlantic Ocean from India to British Guiana as part of the Indentured Servitude. Some came through being captured, some because they were promised lands in British Guiana, and most came without understanding the contract they had signed. My ancestors came to replace […]

October 25, 2022

The Far North Region of the Republic of Cameroon is the northernmost constituent Area, threefold victim of phenomena such as the Islamic sect Boko-Haram, the Covid-19 pandemic and most importantly the devastating effects of climate change. Our mission, (fully funded by Global Youth Mobilization and conducted by YUNIBF in early June 2022), took us to […]

October 25, 2022
The tears of the village river and its population

This is the story of a young man who was forced to leave his village of residence to live in the city: this is my story, I am Paul Lodry. I was born in Yaounde but I spent part of my life in a village called Mfueng before having to return to the city of […]

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